Tag Archives: music

…the track order of certain [mix]tapes is so burned into the memory that, even out of context, it’s impossible to hear the end of one favorite song without immediately recalling what the next one should be.

Obsolete, p.123


Dismal History

In honor of New Year, I was going to write about my top five or ten favorite somethings. I choose music, so I launched iTunes and created a quick smart playlist to see what I’d bought in 2007. I was disappointed to count only nine albums and an assortment of individual tracks, two CDs of which are Christmas music. So it would seem 2007 was a dismal year for music. I know some of what I purchased last year was older music, and now I see that it was because there wasn’t anything new that I was interested in.

Here’s to a better year for music in 2008.

Startled out of my Skin

I am sitting here at my computer, working away, when this awful noise startled me out of my skin.

It was my MDA, Melvin. The sound is one he makes when he completes synchronization with my desktop computer. The sound is not supposed to be so loud.

This has happened before, but it is not predictable and therefore startles me every time. I would like it not to happen, but since I can’t pinpoint the cause, I doubt that tech support could be of any help.